- 指導教員名
- 田邊 公一(たなべ こういち)教授
- 専門分野
- 細菌学(含真菌学)
- キーワード
- 発酵、酵母、乳酸菌、清酒、鮒寿司
Tanabe K, Hayashi H, Murakami N, Yoshiyama Y, Shima J, Shoda S. Glazing Affects the Fermentation Process of Sake Brewed in Pottery. Foods. 2023年
Tanabe K, Maeda N, Okumura H, Shima J. Emergence of [GAR+] cells in yeast from sake brewing affects the fermentation properties Yeast. 2023年
Tanabe K, Monguchi M, Inoue R, Zamami R, Nakanishi R, Manabe A, Oe K, Komatsuzaki N, Shima J Lentilactobacillus buchneri domination during the fermentation of Japanese traditional fermented fish (funazushi) Food Science & Nutrition. 2022年